It has been opened recently and have the big casino for local and foreigners and takes 3 hour from Seoul by drive. It has various level of ski slopes being totally 18 from beginner to advanced level of skier. It is most loving ski resort by locals due to best quality of snow. However it is top of Mountains and far countryside so isolated place apart from ski.
Inside Resort
Outside Resort
Mayhills resort | | no English version just reference for room | |
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Contact Sally Kim
DomesticTel | 02.2635.1230 |
Cel | 010.2785.6558 |
Tel | 822.2635.1230 |
Cel | 82.10.2785.6558 |
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대표이사 : 고병근|서울특별시 금천구 가산디지털1로 205-27, 1302호(가산동, 가산에이1타워) 사업자등록번호 : 107-87-42258|통신판매번호 제 2013-서울구로-0833호|관광사업자등록번호 : 제 2023-000016 호 |